What is a link wheel exactly?

This is the one of the most efficient method to build quality back links through a Link wheel. It is the easiest ways to get free backlinks that are permanent, easy to create and niche-specific.
Link wheel Definition:-A link wheel is the newest SEO backlinks building method that involves creating multiple blog posts on multiple different sites and interlinking them in a wheel. You create the content; you create the site, giving you complete control of the niche of the site (no more blog comments on unrelated blogs). Anything that happens off your site is known as offsite SEO, and since links are coming from another site to your site, a link wheel is an offsite technique.
So how does a link wheel differ from any other link, and what’s the “wheel” part of the name? Link wheels are one of the most advanced SEO link building techniques out there right now.
A link wheel is the process of creating 12 or so (or sometimes up to 116) new blogs/micro sites on a particular topic. On each of those sites, you write 200 words of unique content, and include 1 link to your targeted site, and 1 link to one of your other blogs/micro sites.
Now the trick here and why link wheels are so effective is the new blogs and microsites we create are on sites like Hubpages.com, WordPress.com, Blogger.com, which are established, PR6, PR7, PR8 sites, and the subsequent blogs benefit from these attributes.
Also, by including a single link to each of our new sites, we are passing the value from one site to another, building up the value of each of our links. And since each of the links are only one-way, that is, site 1 links to site 5, but site 5 links to site 2, the link juice is passed to all of the sites, and not diminished by reciprocal linking (linking site 1 to 2, and 2 to 1).
The use of web 2.0 sites that links to your website, choose 4 to 6 web 2.0 famous websites with high rankings. These websites have good PR and traffic ranking; all are linking to your website. Choose different websites like blogger, wordpress, squidoo, yola, myspace, blogsome etc. And link them to your website with different keywords and phrases. Then post different articles on these websites using the targeted keywords, and update them regularly. You need to post different articles on each website, so that your articles do not have same content.
So we come to know that Link wheels are the new trend in SEO and use the power of Web 2.0 and distributed systems on different servers to help interlink properties and increase SERPs extremely quickly. As link wheels have become more popular, it’s important that you find the sites that haven’t turned their links into No follow.
An Example Link wheel
The link wheel picture to the right shows a number of popular Web 2.0 services. While in the past it has made sense to link from site 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and 10 to 1, this is a pattern that is very easy to pick up on by the search engines. So now the tradition is to do random linking to make the links look more natural and harder to pickup as a pattern:
Site 1 to 5
Site 2 to 3
Site 3 to 8
So for a typical link wheel you will have 1 hub and 12 spokes on the wheel. Each of the spokes links to each other, and all the spokes link to the hub. Using Web 2.0 sites, you can easily create your spokes, with your link wheel following this pattern. In this pattern, your hub site is the site you want to promote:
Site 1 – Blogger: links to Site 2 WordPress and to Your Hub Site
Site 2 – WordPress: links to Site 3 Squidoo and to Your Hub Site
Site 3 – Squidoo: links to Site 4 WetPaint and to your Hub Site รข€¦ etc.
Site 12 – EzineArticles: lines to Site 1 and to your Hub Site
Your link wheel would complete itself by the final site linking back to the first site, but never do you have a single site linking back to the same site it has already linked to. You want to avoid building reciprocal links as this is a sign of association/friendship etc. between two sites.
The reason a link wheel is so effective is it takes into account how Google’s search algorithm is built. It’s designed to promote sites like The New York Times or the Wall Street Journal to the top of the search rankings. The reason NYT ranks so well in Google is because there are so many blogs and sites linking to their articles, and all these links tell Google that the site is an authority on the web, hence rank them higher.
This same principle is applied using link wheels. Each link wheel spoke is an individual site, and with all of these sites linking to each other, each spoke gains 1 link of authority, and then all of these sites link back to your hub, giving your hub 12 links from other authority sites. So if you build a bigger link wheel, you can have 116 links back to your hub site, making your search engine rankings climb even faster.
A Big List of Sites for Link wheels
So if you’re looking to build your own link wheel, it’s really a simple process. You want to select the number of spokes in your link wheel, and then select your Web 2.0 sites.
Here is a good set of Web 2.0 sites to choose from:
Be sure to always use unique, high quality content in your link wheels, otherwise you run the risk of having the articles deleted by moderators.
1. Create blogs on these domain and customize it according to your taste and niche (Please use the your keywords in Blog name and URL)
2. Populate it with relevant keyword rich text, which you did write for your keyword (Please make sure that content should unique and not used for article submissions).
3. Link your keywords internal and external web pages and blogs, please do not add more than 4 links in 300 words content, This will create a strong internal and external links for all blogs.
4. Most of the web 2.0 websites provide RSS feature.This feature will helps you to enhance blogs visibility.
5. Spider your blogs RSS feeds in your blogs please use 3 way RSS feed submission process. (e.g. include RSS feed of Blog 1 in Blog4, Blog 4 to Blog3….)
6. Submit your RSS feeds in all major RSS submission websites.
7. Submit your blogs to all major search engines, so that your main website start getting back links from your blogs.
8. Ping your blogs by using any free blog ping services e.g. www.pingomatic.com
9. Create a RSS feed of your website.
10. Now create twitter and twitterfeed accounts.
11. Create 3 to 4 accounts on social network websites.
12. Link your website RSS feeds with your twitter accounts, by doing this your twitter account will start populating with your website automatically.
13. Link your website RSS with social network websites and link your profiles with your twitter accounts.
14. Submit your twitter RSS to all RSS submission networks.
15. Keep updating your blogs and website with relevant content.
After about 2-3 weeks when your link wheel has been created, go back, and add some new content. Have a quick peek at Google News for your targeted keyword and add ~100 words of new content to the page. It also helps if you throw in a YouTube video or some additional content.
Once you’re done, ping your link wheel to one of the RSS sites, I like to use FeedPing.com, it has about 100 RSS sites, and can get the pinging done in about 5 minutes. You will see the major difference in traffic and SERP’s.
This will help Google pickup on your new sites, and update it accordingly.
Don’t Close Your Link Wheel
When constructing a link wheel, typically you would start at Site 1, and end at Site 12. Well instead of having Site 12 link to Site 1, make it chaotic.
Link Site 1 to Site 5 and Site 5 to Site 8
One great way to get a ton of traffic to your websites is to build a link wheel. These link wheels build backlinks to your website’s main page, which give your website a higher search engine ranking.