21 Proven Ways To Make Money Online
If your looking for ideas to make money online with the Internet and your computer you will definitely have some options to choose from. At the end of this post on my blog I offer readers to add a URL pointing toward an opportunity to generate income online.
While I can't guarantee they will be legitimate, it should give you a place to start. Many of us have seen the stories of college students cashing in with some great idea for making money online. While not every "packaged" idea to make money online will net these same results, its a place to begin.
Some general ways to earn income with your computer follow:
AdSense ads on you site. This can generate income, however you will need some traffic.
AdWords ads on you site. Some people generate opt-ins or leads then turn around and sell them for a profit. This can make money for you while you continue to develop a strategy.
Become an affiliate marketer. Find companies that will share their profits with you when a visitor from you site buys a product or service.
You can Blog for dollars. Create a blog around a particular niche, sell AdSense and build a customer base that clicks on the ads you have placed around your site.
Write articles. Other people will sometimes use article you have written to improve or add to content already on their site. Make sure the content is good and submit the article to article submission sites.
You could develop one of these catchy "tricks" that a buzz can be created about. Like the million dollar web page I saw the other day.
You could sell stuff on eBay.
You could buy and then sell stuff on eBay. I have no idea about this. Maybe someone can shed some light on that.
You could sell e-books. Many people make money online with their computer by selling e-books about topics that relate to their website.
You could start a home based business. There are many business opportunities that are great ways to put extra money in your pocket.
You could save money. Their are many ways to save money by doing things online. Saving money is much like making money.
You could ask for donations. People ask others to contribute to a worthy cause. You could then allow someone to match a sizable amount of money if you agree to feature their site on your home page.
You could consult. If you have a unique area of expertise you could leverage your knowledge to earn some extra income online.
You could be a problem solver. And get known as a person who will know the answer to particular problems that arise online. This is always a good way to find yourself in a money making situation.
You could do SEO. There are many people who are willing to spend money on search engine optimization. Especially the technical stuff. (off page)
You could connect people with people who can earn money by working together.
You could find stuff online. Say some wants a certain kind of wheel barrow. You find it on eBay or a classified and let them know. Mark it up and make a profit from your living room.
You could find a type at home opportunity.
You could do bookkeeping work online and get paid for it.
You could trade stocks. Not sure here. But you can find a way to get started online.
Over the next few weeks I will extrapolate on these general ways to make money online. I will see if I can find experts who have had results in the areas I'm not so familiar with myself. If you have any ides you would like to add feel free. This is an example of a way to earn money online. While it may not make money immediately, I will be adding value to the market place and that is an absolute when it comes to making money online.
You can visit the Home Based Business Blog for more general information on the benefits of a work at home job, or a home based business. Also I offer motivation, education and inspiration at the same site
I also am a student of personal development and offer a business opportunity in the same field. I look for straight shooters who aren't afraid to get questions answered and are motivated to earn multiple six figures. To read more on making money ideas I recommend spending some time researching the top ways that work.