When the idea of blogging to make money online gets into your mind. The first thing that you will think of is the great title of your blog a.k.a. niche. What is a niche? as i said it is the title, the topic, the subject that you will talk about on your blog. The passion that is hidden inside you.
What is the Right Niche for you.
To get the right niche is to ask your self. What are the subjects am I interested with. What are the skill that I have. What are the knowledge that i want to share to my beloved readers. If you answered this question honestly, then you will have no problems in finding the right niche for you. If not, then you have to dig deeper into your self to find out what the things that you have the passion to talk about.
The next step after getting the Right Niche.
The next step is to ask Google about the keywords that is searched the most about your chosen niche. You can do this by searching the word "google addwords keywords tool". Click on the first link that Google returns to you. Now search the word or phrase that is related to your niche. Look at the returned list of keywords and how many times these keywords were searched in a month. Pay attention to the results because this is the indication if your niche will make money online or not. The most searched key words that are related to your niche is the keywords that you must use consistently on your blog, this will help you improve your Search Engine Optimization(SEO).
Consider the competition behind your Right Niche.
Google your niche, research about the competition that you will get into. Analyze the all the data that you found. If you feel that you can deal with the competition, spend a lot of time and hard work into it, then do not hesitate to do it. Don't worry all rewards will come after you have done all the necessary work.
Start blogging with you niche!
Now that you have the right niche and the right keywords, you are now in the right time to start blogging. Start writing quality content about your niche, make it fresh and as informative as possible for your readers. Make your content stand out among other blogs. Unleash your passion about your niche. Always remember in Making Money Online "Content is king!".