Black Hat Tactics for Money Making Online

This industry optimization search engine exploded in a market of several billion dollars, creating one of the most intense areas from the dot com boom.

Due to fierce competition in the industry began some SEO companies using tactics that search engines are branded as "black hat" or "illegal" in the world of search engines. "Big 3" (Google, Yahoo and MSN) have all rules issued guidelines and listing of many of these black hat tactics. Failure to follow these guidelines will most likely help you de-indexed, or worse, excluded from the search engines.

In general, black-hat is a "deliberate deception of the ranking of search engines' popularity or to get lists of search engines. Remember, there are many tactics discussed below are valid and legitimate uses.

Keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the tactic most used currently. Keyword stuffing is the deliberate overuse of a word or phrase in the hope of achieving higher rankings in search engines for that word or phrase. The best way to avoid this is to fill your pages with text that was written naturally and do not use your target phrase. Frequently conducts keyword stuffing her funny or awkward sentences. Many cases of keyword stuffing is displayed at the bottom of a Web page with a word or phrase repeated several times, or with slight variations over time.

Hidden text

Hidden text defines the text color the same as the background on a web page. In addition, it can be used in conjunction with keyword stuffing. By having your text and background the same color, the sentences of the text or repeat invisible to human visitors but not search engine spiders. Search engines are now looking at the color of text and compare it with the background color. Some webmasters create a color image and set it as background on the side to avoid detection, these tactics are an abuse of search engines because they are unable to tell the color of an image, but your competitors will be quick to alert you to the search engines if it is discovered that you use this strategy.


Clock, in short, is a product of deliberate human visitors a wealth of information that search engines. There are many ways to hide the content, and not all are called "black hat". A fairly reliable way to measure the white lines and black-hat-hat cloaking is to ask yourself, 'Am I deliberately trying to deceive the search engines? "Would you be willing to share with you a tactic the search engines themselves? Black-hat cloaking works for a while ', but runs the risk of getting a domain banned permanently.

Doorway Pages

Doorway pages are "landing" pages added to a website to specifically target a keyword or phrase. Often these hidden pages have no value to visitors, and exists only for the attention of search engines. Doorway pages are usually created with software and / or added to a website automatically.


Redirecting pages have more purpose white hat, but when it is used as a black hat tactics - often combined with hidden pages - they are a red flag to search engines. Redirect pages are a visitor from one page to another automatically. For example, a redirect page Send a visitor to a doorway page (with valuable content with little or no) to a sales page with a product or a subscription to a newsletter.

Duplicate Sites

While not used often, was popular for a very long time and deserves a mention. When affiliate programs are the first to gain popularity, webmasters create multiple copies of the sales page with the same hope that the amount of quality will prevail and the sale of one of his many websites selling a product. With the advancement of search engines, you are now able to find the content too much duplication and classified accordingly.


One tactic is difficult to track "interconnection". Interconnection is the construction of several Web sites (sometimes tens or even hundreds) and put them together to create a network of links. This tactic has some merit, white cap, remember, black hat is the intentional deception of search engines. That has several linked sites does not make you a search engine spammer - Internet is based on linking the sites together.

As you can see many of these tactics are underhanded and deceitful. They are considered black hat for a reason, and the search engines take them very seriously. Their use could lead to a competitor or a visitor to your site Report as spam search engines, if such a thing were to happen, your site may disappear from the results of popular search engines at once - regardless of any optimization legitimate that you have done in the past.